Please read carefully these Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “Terms and Conditions”) before accessing and using this Website (“Website”). By accessing the Website, you shall be regarded agreeing with all Terms and Conditions. If any content of this Terms and Conditions contrasts your opinion, you can stop accessing and using the Website.

Retina Mattress Joint Stock Company is the exclusive company reserving the right to change, modify, add or remove the Terms and Conditions at any time by updating Website’s content, meanwhile and the notification to you is not obligatory. Therefore, whenever you access this Website, you should check the Terms and Conditions both periodically and carefully. When you use the Website after being edited, it is regarded that you have admitted and agreed with the revision. Applicable law: This website is adjusted by laws and regulations of Socialist Republic of Vietnam

1. Personal Information Policy

We recommend your reference to the Privacy Policy in order to thoroughly understand the way we collect and use your information. The Privacy Policy is listed with the Terms for your easier approach and reference to the content.

2. Intellectual Property Right

All of the contents and resources on this Website are protected by intellectual property laws, laws on copyright and other related regulations and international conventions. Except for the personal or internal and non – commercial purposes, you are not allowed to use the website by other methods (include but not limited to actions of copying, modification, whole or partial reissuing or loading, data transmission, distribution, registration, trading, publishing) any resource of the Website without the prior consent of Retina.

The “Retina” brand and others, as well as product names, services and logos under Retina’s usage, quotation and reference on Website are the brands which were or will be registered as Retina’s properties. Other product names or companies on the Website are under the holding of respective owners.

3. Your Provided Information on Website

This website provides features for content sending and uploading, response, depiction, creation, recommendation etc. (generally called “Idea”) on Website. Except for being requested by Retina for submission, if you willingly send your Ideas to us, these Ideas shall be analyzed as if you have agreed with the following terms:

  1. Retina is not responsible for working on the Idea as a secret information;
  2. Retina is not responsible for studying, assessing or applying the Idea;
  3. If Retina approves and applies the Idea as or similar to partial or a whole Idea of you, Retina will reserve the exclusive intellectual rights related to that Idea. Retina shall not take responsibility for you or any third party regarding the compensation for intellectual property right.
  4. These Ideas can be displayed and widely published without your approval Any Idea sent to Website will become our property and we can use it for necessary purposes.

4. Our Scope of Responsibility

You shall solely bare all risks when using this Website. This website (include all contents and functions that are available or require website access) is provided “as original”. To a legal- accepted extent, Retina shall not declare or assure any of these following (a) accuracy, marketability, suitability for a specific purpose or the non – breach of any published or available content on this Website, (b) this Website’s host does not contain virus or any components that have the infectious potential, affect or damage your computer or other properties when accessing the website by browser or using other applications on the Website.

Retina can change and modify Website’s content or delay, cancel service supplying through Website anytime without prior notice. Retina and our collaborated companies bear no responsibilities for any loss and damage of yours when you access the Website or your impossibility to access the Website.

5. Product and Service’s Availability

Products and services on this Website can be unavailable for purchase within your religion or area. The reference to Website’s product or service does not mean or assure that these products and services stand available at all time within your current living religion. You should check with Retina’s authorized representatives for the availability of a specific product or service in your living area.

6. Linked Websites

This website contains links to other websites (“Linked websites”). Retina only provides links to other websites for your convenient use, and that Retina provides links to these website does not prove that Retina takes any responsibility for them or performs any collaboration with that website’s administrator. You shall take the responsibility for accessing and complying to the limitations, terms and conditions on information security and other legal notes described on the linked websites. Retina rejects either implying or apparent assurance of the accuracy, validity, legality or other factors towards resources or information on these linked websites.

7. Information Transmission Risks

Retina shall not assure that any email sent from this Website will be to your reception or vice versa. Retina simultaneously shall not assure the privacy and/or information safety and security of the emails during the process of data transmitting on the internet.

8. Prohibited Information and Activities

We continuously control and have the right to reject supplying products, services and/or immediately eliminate the information or activities which:

  1. Expose any opposite position against Socialist Republic of Vietnam; violate laws and commit criminal
  2. Infringe others’ personal freedom; and/ or humiliate, defame, smear others; and/or harm or negatively affect others.
  3. Spread and distribute the personal information of a third party without approval.
  4. Transmit virus infected files which damage other computers’ activities.
  5. Use robots, spiders and/or any automatic equipment and/or directly stalk and collect website’s documents for a reusing purpose without our prior consent in writing.
  6. Utilize any equipment, software and/or process to violate or intentionally violate the website’s activities.
  7. Any illegal activity and/or prohibited activities by respective laws.
  8. Any activities that we see the potential of violating our legal rights and benefits.

9. Valid Date

These Terms and Conditions shall take validity from August 26, 2018.